
Wednesday 25 July 2012

Data Structure using C

Data Structures using C-Yashwant kantekar

                        The need for computer science students


Book Summary of Data Structures Through C (With CD-ROM)

There are two major hurdles faced by anybody trying to earn Data Structures:
  • Most books attempt to teach it using algorithms rather than a concrete language
  • A lot is left to the imagination of the reader

This is a different Data Structures book. It uses a common language like C to teach Data Structures. Secondly, it goes far beyond merely explaining how Stacks, Queues and Linked Lists work. The readers can actually experience (rather than imagine) sorting of an array, traversing of a doubly linked list, construction of a binary tree, etc. through carefully crafted animations that depict these processes. All these animations are available on the CD that accompanies this book. In addition it contains numerous figure and working programs that would help you understand the complicated operations being performed on different on different data structures. Add to that the customary lucid style of Yashavant Kanetkar and you have perfect Data Structures book in your hand.

The above book can be downloaded from the below link-